Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Hi! Welcome to our blog :)
  My name is Cassy. Im the second C in "C&C Creations" lol. My mom and I decided to start a blog,so y'all could learn about us;what we do,and why we do it!  Well...Lets see... Where do I begin? Im 21 years old.  Im originally from Nashville ,TN [<insert country accent ;)], but now we live in Ga.   God called us to move here in 2012 when I was 18.  Soo,that means I've been living here for 3 years now.  Sometimes I miss TN, but I love GA ;and Im proud to be a TN/GA southern girl!  
        I love to laugh. Those who know me might say Im goofy,and well sometimes quite clumsy lol. That's ok.  
        I am a geek also.  I love love LOVE Star Wars. No... I have not seen the new one. So, no spoiler alerts please.   I love to read.  Some of my favorite series are: The Hunger Games,The Chronicles of Narnia,and the Circle series by Ted Dekker.  
       Some of my favorite shows are:Criminal Minds, The Voice, Fixer Upper,and The Holiday Baking Competition.
        I'am also into music,dance,photography,and anything that has to do with crafting.
 BUT,most of all God and my family are everything.  I love them with all of my heart<3 ,and I don't know where i'd be without them.  So be prepared for mushy stuff to be written in later posts ;) lol.                                                                                                        

        But that's enough about me.   "C&C Creations"  is an idea me and my mom have tossed around for a while now.  We've prayed,and feel like now is the time to open up shop.  Soon, we will be opening up an Etsy store!!! YAY [<insert applause] We will be selling hand-painted Christmas bulbs, handmade jewelry ,candles,paintings, and etc.  I will keep everyone up to date on the opening ,and whenever we post something new for sale.  I will also be posting randomly about stuff that's going on in our lives, recipes,tutorials,etc. We'd greatly appreciate your support as we pursue this desire.   Thanks for reading! Please make sure to subscribe>   I'll see y'all later