Thursday, March 31, 2016

   Hi y'all, sorry I haven't updated.  A LOT has been going on lately.  We were working on getting everything in order for school.  I was accepted into Ogeechee Technical College for the Veterinary Technician program.   Was super excited, but to be totally honest, I've been trying not to stress out too.  The financial aspect has been difficult.  I've tried EVERYTHING.  I've applied for financial help,and my advisor told me I don't qualify for anything. (Yes I did FASFA)  She also said that OTC doesn't accept Federal loans now, and that they only accept personal student loans through Sallie Mae and Wells Fargo.  For one (even if my parents co-signed) I didn't qualify for ,and the other....well had I been approved,it wouldn't have come in on time and it would have doubled if not tripled my tuition because of the interest..... So now I'm back to square one(sigh) Iam in the process now of applying for jobs.  I have an interview tomorrow.  So please pray that if it's God's will,everything works out.  I'm willing to do whatever needs to be done to go to school,even if that means working/saving for a year.     I've even set up a gofundme account.  And to be honest I was upset and hurt,because I posted the gofundme link on some for sell sites on fb,and people who have never met me were becoming angry and assuming that I thought I was"entitled".  I in no way think I'm entitled.  I was just trying all of my options.  This is my dream.  Wouldn't you try everything?  Even ask for help?  Oh well..... I said all that to say, I'm going to post my gofundme link,and if you don't have anything nice to say,then DON'T comment.  You don't have to give anything.  I would be grateful if you shared my link even if you can't give.  Thanks y'all for reading my post.               On a brighter note, we should be getting Etsy up and running soon! (YAY) ;)